C# Outlook MSG file reader without the need for Outlook
Converts email files (eml, msg) to pdf
juggle是一个极简的、组件式的js框架。无依赖,完美闭包,灵活且适合渐进学习,可与任何框架整合。包含(支持冒泡的事件 || Tween || MV框架 || http || websocket || 资源 || 模块)等组件,按需选择组件,不绑架开发者。
A .NET library to make MSG files without the need for Outlook
Cross-platform, isomorphic alert, for Node and browser (previously alert-node)
This tool allows you to read Outlook .msg file in your browser without sending any data to an external server. It is extremely fast, works on any device as long as you have an Internet connection to o...
A c# gRPC client of distributed transaction manager DTM.
A (obsolete) open-source project created to reverse-engineering some Resident Evil 3 files.
ROS 1 and ROS 2 message definition parser
Simple tool that allows you to view *.msg files from "Old MS Outlook". "New MS Outlook" requires an "Office 365" subscription to open .msg-Files, but hasn't implemented any way to confirm an active su...
仿 Element-ui 的 Message 组件 | Message component imitating Element-ui
A simple Flutter project that demonstrate the push notification messaging from Firebase and how to handle it such as rounting control on Flutter side.