DTM 是一个由 Go 语言开发的分布式事务管理器,并支持接入多种语言
🔥基于go-zero(go zero) 微服务全技术栈开发最佳实践项目。Develop best practice projects based on the full technology stack of go zero (go zero) microservices.
"Computational modelling of terrains" book: source code + PDF
Generates DTM (Digital Terrain Model) from DSM (Digital Surface Model).
Standalone Bluetooth RF test tool
My DAW Articulation Mapping files. Converting tool: https://github.com/r-koubou/KeySwitchManager
Official java client for distributed transaction framework dtm
This package consists of functionalities for dynamic topic modelling and its visualization
Implements Orchestration saga pattern in Go with docker compose and dtm
A c# gRPC client of distributed transaction manager DTM.
A data layer quality monitoring and validation module, this solution is part of the Raft Suite ecosystem.
Plugin to generate a three light exposure hillshade (shaded relief by combining three light exposures)
Geospatial filtering algorithms
Firmware for CircuitSetup's Time Circuits Display kit, known from the Delorean Time Machine
HMS DTM demo provides guidance for developers how to use HMS Dynamic Tag Manager Service.It illustrates how to track specific events and report data to third-party analytics platforms and monitoring y...