Fluid dynamics component of Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL)
A differentiable physics engine for robotics
A curated collection of Python examples for optimization-based solid simulation, emphasizing algorithmic convergence, penetration-free, and inversion-free conditions, designed for readability and unde...
A curated set of C++ examples for optimization-based elastodynamic contact simulation using CUDA, emphasizing algorithmic convergence, penetration-free, and inversion-free conditions. Designed for rea...
Tools and services for running Mattermost Cloud ☁️
Boundary Element MATLAB code. Modelling faults and deformation
A full reconstruction of the paper: A new model for control systems with friction (Canudas de Wit et al., 1995, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control)
#IOS#A particle effect with dead simple physics.
A differentiable simulator for robotic systems.
Simulating the WoodPecker Toy in Jupyter Notebook
Coupled Rigid-Block Analysis: Stability-Aware Design of Complex Discrete-Element Assemblies
plugins for enve2d/friction for creating different effects.
Geospatial filtering algorithms
Coupled simulation of FEM continuum media and articulated rigid bodies
#计算机科学#Modified CartPole-v0 OpenAI Gym environment with various noisy cases and Reinforcement Learning based controller
Tutorial for the usage of the dcTMD approach and Langevin simulations employing the trypsin-benzamidine complex as example.
A library containing routines for calculating the frictional response of contacting bodies.