mGBA 是一个运行 Game Boy Advance 游戏的模拟器
#Awesome#A curated list of Game Boy Advance development resources
gbajs2 is a Game Boy Advance emulator written in Javascript from scratch using HTML5 technologies like Canvas and Web Audio. It is freely licensed and works in any modern browser without plugins.
翻译 - gbajs2是一个Game Boy Advance模拟器,使用HTML5技术(例如Canvas和Web Audio)从头开始用Javascript编写。它是免费许可的,可以在没有插件的任何现代浏览器中使用。
🔥 A Nintendo Game Boy Advance Emulator
🎮 PIU simulator for the GBA.
Open Source GBA Flashcard
GIMP plug-in to read/write SNES / NES / GB / GBA / NGP / MD / etc ROM image, tile and sprite files
Assembler and disassembler designed specifically for Game Boy Advance homebrew.
Game Boy Advance Emulator. Yes, I'm awful with project names.
A library to access various backup media in GBA cartridges
Game Boy Advance port of the Atari ST demo STNICCC 2000 by Oxygene
Useful stuff when reversing gba games with IDA