#安卓#Automatic binding+disposal of RxJava streams.
#安卓# Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
翻译 - Android库使用RxJava Observables监听网络连接状态和Internet连接
#安卓#A material-design Hacker News Android reader
#安卓#📓Material Design风格的开源照片笔记。(MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+AspectJ+Dex处理)
#安卓#你用不惯 RxJava,只因缺了这把钥匙 🔑
翻译 - 你用不惯 RxJava,只因缺了这把钥匙 🔑 You are not used to RxJava, just because of the lack of this key.
#安卓#Elephant is PHPHub Community Android unofficial client, base on Material Design + MVP+RxJava+Retrofit .
#安卓#📠Markdown for Android, supports TextView && EditText (Live Preview), supports code high light.
#安卓#Sample Offline-First MVVM app that uses Android Priority Job Queue, Room, Retrofit2, LiveData, LifecycleObserver, RxJava2, Dagger Android
#安卓#Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, RX, Retrofit2, Room, Anko