🎨 ArtPlayer.js is a modern and full featured HTML5 video player
翻译 - :art:ArtPlayer.js是一个现代且功能齐全的HTML5视频播放器
#IOS#📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
JavaScript keyword highlighting. Mark text with options that fit every application. Also available as jQuery plugin.
#安卓#A Java ePub reader and parser framework for Android.
🖌️ Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism)
#IOS#iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
#安卓#Flutter plugin that allows you to showcase your features on flutter application. 👌🔝🎉
Syntax highlighting, like GitHub
#静态网页生成器#(yet another) static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX, code evaluation, optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
#搜索#Yet another awesome browser extension for switching search engines, search everything (selection text / image / link / find in page) on any engine with a simple right click or a variety of menus and s...
Virtual syntax highlighting for virtual DOMs and non-HTML things
#安卓#📠Markdown for Android, supports TextView && EditText (Live Preview), supports code high light.
Lightweight, robust, elegant virtual syntax highlighting using Prism
A minimal and aesthetically pleasing highlighting menu that makes color-coded highlighting much easier 🎨.