Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
翻译 - Dark Reader Chrome和Firefox扩展
Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night.
翻译 - Redshift会根据周围环境调整屏幕的色温。如果您晚上在屏幕前工作,这可能有助于减轻眼睛的伤害。
Manage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes. (Unmaintained)
#IOS#📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
#IOS#🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 9+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式
#安卓#A Java ePub reader and parser framework for Android.
#IOS#优雅的主题管理库- 一行代码完成多样式切换
Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
Automatic brightness adjustment based on screen contents and ALS
#安卓#Android screen filter app for night time phone use.
Сustom color schemes for all websites
Auto Nightmode for KDE, Gnome, Budgie, VSCode, Atom and more
Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS)
翻译 - WhatsApp桌面正式版的暗模式(Windows和macOS)
#IOS#🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Falcon Messenger is a Fast and Beautiful cloud-based messaging app. With iOS and IPadOS Support.
🌓 A React Hook for adding a dark / night mode to your site.
✴️ Soothing pastel theme for Dark Reader
A powerful and lightweight and customization theme/skin library for iOS 9+ in swift. 主题、换肤、暗黑模式
A CLI tool for changing Slack's desktop app colors
#安卓#An Android library providing a dialog, which asks the user to rate the app or give feedback. You can also use the library to show the Google in-app review easily under certain conditions.
An extension for Google Chrome (and Chromium) that inverts the luminance of websites.