神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
Free and open source image board browser
Fast image loading for React Native backed by performant native libraries.
#安卓#Implemented by Clean Architecture, Hilt, MVVM, LiveData, RX, Retrofit2, Room, Anko
#安卓#✨ Supports loading profile images with fractional styles, shapes, borders, indicators, and initials for Android.
#Awesome#🕶️ Stuffs about Web Monetization. Packages, articles, documentation links and others tools.
#安卓#An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
#安卓#Learning Project (Movie App) For Applying Android Architecture Components And Clean Architecture Using MVVM With Kotlin
Image transformations for Coil
#安卓#Android MVVM Architecture - Modern Approach - WhereIsMyMotivation - As per Google recommendations. Learn to build a real Android App using latest libraries and techniques.
一款基于Kotlin + Jetpack核心组件 + 协程 + 组件化实现的精美仿开眼视频App(提供Flutter、React Native、小程序版本 😁 )
Movie app that built with Jetpack Compose
#安卓#Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile demo for Android and iOS. App for viewing Cat pictures
#安卓#The Composable Images is a library providing Jetpack Compose wrapper for Glide, Picasso, and Coil.
#安卓#GithubCompose is a sample project that uses Compose + MVI + Navigation Component to presents a modern approach to Android app development.
#安卓#A sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Material3, Room, Coil, Retrofit, Moshi, Leak Canary and Repository pattern
#安卓#Jetpack Compose + Kotlin + Coroutines + Koin + Coil + Klock + Spotless + Ktlint + Detekt + MVVM + MVI
#安卓#Explore modern Android with Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Flow, and Clean Architecture.