#安卓#🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。
神奇宝贝 (PokemonGo) 基于 Jetpack + MVVM + Repository 设计模式 + Data Mapper + Kotlin Flow 的实战项目,如果这个仓库对你有帮助,请仓库右上角帮我 star 一下,非常感谢。
#安卓#All-in-one Android podcast app for RSS, media dl & play. MVI arch, Material You style. ⭐️ Star to support!
#安卓#🛡️ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM ar...
#安卓#The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features
#安卓#🎞 A movie Android app that mimics a real-world project environment, showcasing Clean Architecture, Kotlin, and Jetpack Compose, with Offline-first support.
#安卓#Minimal Wallpapers for Android using Kotlin+Compose+MVVM+Hilt+Coroutines+Jetpack(Room, Paging, Navigation)
#安卓#This is a project built with Love ❤️ and also with Clean architecture in Android .
An android app built using Jetpack Compose that consumes TMDB API to display the current trending, upcoming, top rated, and popular movies and tv-shows. It also suggests films based on your watch list...
#安卓#Movie World 📱 android app built with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Room, ViewModel based on MVVM architecture recommended by Google. It offers a clean, scalable, and maintainable codebase ...
#安卓#A Kotlin Multiplatform sample that mirrors the architecture of a production-level app! 🚀
#安卓#The Pachli Android app
#安卓#Medix is a modern medical android application, Built to make it easier for patients and doctors to manage appointments and diagnose brain tumors.
Android App using Paging3, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack, MVVM architecture.
#安卓#This app is created as a sample app which loads movies from Tmdb api and uses Paging 3 library to show it in a Recycler view.
#安卓#"A movie and TV show information app for teaching MVVM, Paging3, Flow-Coroutines with Clean Architecture. With this app, you can easily find information about your favorite films and TV series. You c...