#安卓#难得一见 Jetpack MVVM 最佳实践!在 "以简驭繁" 代码中,对 "视图控制器" 乃至 "标准化开发模式" 形成正确、深入理解!
📬EventBus for Android,消息总线,基于LiveData,具有生命周期感知能力,支持Sticky,支持AndroidX,支持跨进程,支持跨APP
#安卓#Fast and versatile Adapter for RecyclerView which regroups several features into one library to considerably improve the user experience :-)
翻译 - 快速,通用的RecyclerView适配器,可将多个功能重新组合到一个库中,以大大改善用户体验:-)
#安卓#🐔🏀一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目
#安卓# 🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱 built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room...
翻译 - iumFoodium是一个示例食物博客Android应用程序📱旨在演示现代Android开发工具(Kotlin,协程,Flow,Dagger 2,建筑组件,MVVM,Room,Retrofit,Moshi,Material Components)的使用。
#安卓#🌀 A Pokedex app using ViewModel, ViewBinding, LiveData, Room and Navigation
翻译 - :cyclone:一个使用ViewModel,LiveData,Room和Navigation的Pokedex应用
Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 !
#安卓#👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
基于 Jetpack + Kotlin 的 Android 组件化 MVVM 框架
#安卓#LiveData 数据倒灌:别问,问就是不可预期 - Perfect alternative to SingleLiveEvent, supporting multiple observers.
#安卓#Model-View-ViewModel architecture components for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
人生苦短,让脚手架为你节省时间。(目前作为《最佳实践》项目的 Dev 版优先更新)
#安卓#Recommended architecture by Android
An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the ...
#安卓#Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using LiveData,ViewModel,Retrofit,Rxjava
#安卓#🔥 快速入门Android Jetpack&Compose 以及相关Kotlin、MVVM/MVI等独立构架App的基础技能
#安卓#Sample Offline-First MVVM app that uses Android Priority Job Queue, Room, Retrofit2, LiveData, LifecycleObserver, RxJava2, Dagger Android