#面试#World's largest Contributor driven code dataset | Used in Quark Search Engine, @OpenGenus IQ, OpenGenus Visual Project
翻译 - 运行我们的宇宙的算法|您将遇到的每种算法和数据结构代码的个人库|在论坛上问我们任何问题|
📖 All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
翻译 - 📖您所有的文章都放在一个地方。美丽。
OpenNote was built to be an open web-based alternative to Microsoft OneNote (T) and EverNote.
JavaScript Deobfuscator and Unpacker
🪐 Modern offline Kanban board app for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Built with simplicity and user experience in mind.
#安卓#Sample Offline-First MVVM app that uses Android Priority Job Queue, Room, Retrofit2, LiveData, LifecycleObserver, RxJava2, Dagger Android
zzllrr mather(an offline tool for Math learning, education and research)小乐数学,离线可用的数学学习(自学或教学)、研究辅助工具。计划覆盖数学全部学科的解题、作图、演示、探索工具箱。目前是演示Demo版(抛转引玉),但已经支持数学公式编辑显示,部分作图功能,部分学科,如线性代数、离散数学的部分解题功能。最终目标是推动专业数学家...
#安卓#Android Wrapper to create native Android Apps from offline-capable Progressive Web Apps
#IOS#An iOS Wrapper application to create a native iOS App from an offline-capable Progressive Web App.
Electron Wrapper to create Desktop Apps from offline-capable Progressive Web Apps
🖥️Simple & fast bible app with dramatized audio built with Electron, React, Rematch & Realm
An Ads Free Video Player
#安卓#Build offline first Android mobile apps. Remove loading screens, perform tasks instantly.
Take multiple screenshots and convert them into a PDF file
#安卓#(🧪 Early Beta) 🤙 TamoTam. HangOut. Offline.
React Native SQLite query builder. Supports expo-sqlite and react-native-sqlite-storage.
PDF mail merge (PDF data merge / PDF generator using Excel files)
#安卓#Light, Smart and fast photo and video gallery app for Andorid Built using Jetpack Compose.
🔴 A progressive web app of a retro soundboard. The Shrine comes with "Gude Laune!" and many more legendary sounds. 🔊