a symbolic math expression evaluator for javascript
zzllrr mather(an offline tool for Math learning, education and research)小乐数学,离线可用的数学学习(自学或教学)、研究辅助工具。计划覆盖数学全部学科的解题、作图、演示、探索工具箱。目前是演示Demo版(抛转引玉),但已经支持数学公式编辑显示,部分作图功能,部分学科,如线性代数、离散数学的部分解题功能。最终目标是推动专业数学家...
Computator.NET is a special kind of numerical software that is fast and easy to use but not worse than others feature-wise. It's features include: - Real and complex functions charts - Real and com...
Cross-platform engineering nonlinear equations systems solver [Under construction 🚧]
Euler-Lagrange Library
📊 A mathematical software which solves equations using the linear programming method. Linear programming (LP) (also called linear optimization) is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximu...
#算法刷题#Different type of solvers to solve systems of nonlinear equations
Generic solution of the quartic equation + 3D interactive application to a geometrical problem
Algorithmic part of mathematical bot: it can optimize functions, solve equations, plot graphs and e.t.c.
Parallel GPU minimal residual solver with deflation
solving a system of linear equations by C#
A C program for parsing and solving polynomials.
Calculator and Solver (CaS) - Version 1.0
Implementation of some algorithms from CS301