The Open Toolkit library is a fast, low-level C# wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL & OpenCL. It also includes windowing, mouse, keyboard and joystick input and a robust and fast math library, giving you ever...
翻译 - Open Toolkit库是用于OpenGL,OpenAL和OpenCL的快速,低级C#包装器。它还包括窗口,鼠标,键盘和操纵杆输入以及功能强大且快速的数学库,为您提供编写自己的渲染器或游戏引擎所需的一切。 OpenTK可以单独使用,也可以在Windows,Linux,Mac上的GUI中使用。
Math library using HLSL syntax with multiplatform SIMD support
High quality system independent, portable, open source libm implementation
Armadillo: fast C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing -
zzllrr mather(an offline tool for Math learning, education and research)小乐数学,离线可用的数学学习(自学或教学)、研究辅助工具。计划覆盖数学全部学科的解题、作图、演示、探索工具箱。目前是演示Demo版(抛转引玉),但已经支持数学公式编辑显示,部分作图功能,部分学科,如线性代数、离散数学的部分解题功能。最终目标是推动专业数学家...
Modified version of Sony's open sourced vector and matrix math library.
Fast OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) for Python
Math JS library. Super advanced & efficient Math expression evaluator
Linear algebra library with vector swizzling, intersection tests and useful functions for games and graphics dev.
Meta.Numerics is library for advanced numerical computing on the .NET platform. It offers an object-oriented API for statistical analysis, advanced functions, Fourier transforms, numerical integration...
A deterministic collision lib for lockstep
Python module for representing file sizes with different prefix notations
Tiny recursive descent expression parser, compiler, and evaluation engine for math expressions and spreadsheet formulas in C++.
An Extension Library for Unity.Mathematics - Extension Methods, New Syntax, Optimized Functions, and more !
A header-only, pure-C math library for 2D/3D graphics (matrix, vector, quaternion) Seeks to be close to C89/C90 compliant for portability. It's like a BLAS, but easier to use.