#编程语言#Nim 是一种静态类型、编译型系统编程语言。它融合了 Python、Ada 和 Modula 等成熟语言的成功概念。可编译为C、C++、JavaScript
View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast.
Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning. 🔥
翻译 - 使用Pytorch的深度加强学习算法轻量级,高效稳定的实现。
A Crystal web framework that makes building applications fast, simple, and enjoyable. Get started with quick prototyping, less bugs, and blazing fast performance.
Minimal, efficient, statically-typed and meta-programmable systems programming language heavily inspired by Lua, which compiles to C and native code.
#计算机科学#Implementation of EfficientNet model. Keras and TensorFlow Keras.
翻译 - EfficientNet模型的实现。 Keras和TensorFlow Keras。
Cista is a simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library.
翻译 - 简单的C ++序列化和反射。
Slimmable Networks, AutoSlim, and Beyond, ICLR 2019, and ICCV 2019
Efficient Mock Generator for Swift
#计算机科学#Official PyTorch implementation of Superpoint Transformer introduced in [ICCV'23] "Efficient 3D Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Transformer" and SuperCluster introduced in [3DV'24 Oral] "Scalabl...
Filesystem watcher. Works anywhere. Simple, efficient and friendly.
Lizard is an efficient compressor with very fast decompression. It achieves compression ratio that is comparable to zip/zlib and zstd/brotli (at low and medium compression levels) at fast decompressio...
#计算机科学#🤖 A portable, header-only, artificial neural network library written in C99
Serialization library written in C++17 - Pack C++ structs into a compact byte-array without any macros or boilerplate code
#IOS#这是一个app开发的加速库。This is an accelerated library for app development