Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
翻译 - 围绕node.js的整洁包装 / fs.watchFile / FSEvents
Realize is the #1 Golang Task Runner which enhance your workflow by automating the most common tasks and using the best performing Golang live reloading.
翻译 - Realize是排名第一的Golang Task Runner,可自动执行最常见的任务并使用性能最佳的Golang实时重新加载功能来增强您的工作流程。
🔭 Cross-platform filesystem notification library for Rust.
watcher is a Go package for watching for files or directory changes without using filesystem events.
Kibana Alert & Report App for Elasticsearch
👀 Monitor any changes in your Deno application and automatically restart.
Watcher - Open Source Cybersecurity Threat Hunting Platform. Developed with Django & React JS.
翻译 - Watcher-开源网络安全威胁搜寻平台。用Django&React JS开发。
Reproducible watchers for research
翻译 - 可复制的观察者用于研究
A tool to automatically rerun PHPUnit tests when source code changes
Filesystem watcher. Works anywhere. Simple, efficient and friendly.
A Laravel Continuous Integration Package
翻译 - Laravel持续集成包
Library to watch and follow kubernetes resources in CI/CD deploy pipelines
📦 Watcher, bundler, and test runner for your SwiftWasm apps
Watch your .Go files and restart your processes without any configuration hassle