Realize is the #1 Golang Task Runner which enhance your workflow by automating the most common tasks and using the best performing Golang live reloading.
翻译 - Realize是排名第一的Golang Task Runner,可自动执行最常见的任务并使用性能最佳的Golang实时重新加载功能来增强您的工作流程。
Concurrent task runner, developer's routine tasks automation toolkit. Simple modern alternative to GNU Make 🧰
Monitoring changes in the source file and automatically compile and run (restart).
An overview of my most relevant open-source projects on GitHub
A file and folder monitor that can send notifications, perform actions, or execute a command when a file or folder is changed.
a simple auto reload (live reload) utility
Simple task runner on directory changes that doesn't produce tons of logs if everything is OK 👌
翻译 - 如果一切正常,目录更改上的简单任务运行程序不会产生大量日志👌
Mancy is a file watcher which supported to auto upload the changes to remote server via ssh/sftp.
A file watcher app that copies changed files to a target location.
An asynchronous directory file change watcher module for Windows, macOS and Linux wrapped for V
Lightweight programmable evented utility based on LuaJIT and ljsyscall
cross-platform file watcher library for C++17 using std::filesystem and native interfaces
Windows Service in ASP.NET Core
Kirby Plugin to generate Storybook stories from snippets and templates
Moved to GitLab: A golang opiniated continuous testing tool 🐏
A simple .go file watcher that will stop & restart main.go
#大语言模型#A service for automating document ingestion for Semantic Kernel's KernelMemory service