#效率工具集合#🌀 A log file highlighter
DebugView++, collects, views, filters your application logs, and highlights information that is important to you!
A simple and straightforward log viewer that displays the events of interest in a clear and concise visual manner so that you can identify them faster.
Golang logging library supporting log retrieval.
System monitoring program for Raspberry pi single board computers written in Python 3.
ezPAARSE can ingest your (proxy) log files and show how users access suscribed electronic ressources.
HiLog: The extensions of unity's log plugin
Logfile watcher focused on Postgres logs
Eclipse Plug-in for tailing log files and eclipse consoles (e.g. SVN, Java Stack Trace, CDT), including syntax coloring with either a regular expression or a word match. It allows you to have multiple...
Extract some performance metrics from the request.log of a CQ/AEM instance. It can be used as an alternative to or in addition to `rlog.jar`.
Logfile viewer and highlighter for Sublime Text 3
PowerShell script for Exchange Server 2013+ environments to clean up Exchange and IIS log files.