Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
翻译 - 围绕node.js的整洁包装 / fs.watchFile / FSEvents
Watches over your Cargo project's source.
🔮 A globbing wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.
A nodejs script that allows you to watch a folder for changes and compile the less css files into another folder.
Sends native desktop notifications if CLI apps fail
WTC is a simple utility you can use to watch files and execute commands.
Real-time output of your program (ONLY IN SHELL, no program, no Lib, no Package required to use it)
CLI tool to watch files locally then push them to your Minehut server automatically when they are changed
Hot reload Solana programs
⚙️ Run tests automatically when saving them
A Docker image for h265ize, to make it easy to convert videos to h.265
`rnotify` is a wrapper of `fsnotify`, supports recursive directory watching on Go.
Watch filesystem for changes
Watch for file changes and continuously trigger commands
Debug your Love2D based game in a simple way.
A SourceMod extension that allows plugins to watch files/directory trees for changes.
A CLI tool that simplifies the process of running command line scripts, similar to npm scripts but for any type of project