Skript is a Spigot plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
翻译 - Skript是一个Bukkit插件,服务器管理员可以轻松地自定义其服务器,而无需为插件编程或麻烦/请别人为他们编程插件。
The Skript plugin made for Minecraft 1.8.x only. Releases will follow the original repository, except for some bug fixes. Please read the README before updating to Skript-1.8 !
A standalone and improved implementation of the Skript language for use outside of Minecraft servers.
An updated fork of TuSKe's advanced GUI system. Enables the easy creation of advanced and organized GUIs with Skript.
The best Skript add-on for Discord management! Slash commands, interaction, components, modal and much more available!
A compiled JVM language based on 'Skript'.
WildSkript is addon to plugin Skript that increases the set of events, conditions, effects, expressions, types and this add new elements.
Spigot Socket API and Bungeecord Skript Addon.
BungeeSk is a Skript addon that allows Skript to communicate with a bungeecord proxy easily !
CLI tool to watch files locally then push them to your Minehut server automatically when they are changed
About Script Addon for using Json (Gson) in script