Python Development Workflow for Humans.
翻译 - 适用于人类的Python开发工作流程。
UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers
A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
翻译 - 一组用于使固定的Python依赖关系保持最新状态的工具。
#网络爬虫#Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works...
A command line utility to display dependency tree of the installed Python packages
MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP package.
🎨 ASCII art library for Python
A library for users to write (experiment in research) configurations in Python Dict or JSON format, read and write parameter value via dot . in code, while can read parameters from the command line to...
📦 🔥 Python project management. Manage packages: convert between formats, lock, install, resolve, isolate, test, build graph, show outdated, audit. Manage venvs, build package, bump versio...
翻译 - :package::fire:Python项目管理。管理软件包:在格式之间转换,锁定,安装,解析,隔离,测试,构建图形,显示过时的内容,审核。管理venv,构建软件包,凹凸版本。
It is a simple python package to play videos in the terminal using characters as pixels
翻译 - 这是一个简单的python软件包,可在终端中使用字符作为像素播放视频
☕ A tool to generate requirements.txt for Python project, and more than that. (IT IS NOT A PACKAGE MANAGEMENT TOOL)
🦠 A simple and fast (< 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
翻译 - 🦠一个简单,快速(<200ms)的API,用于跟踪全球冠状病毒(COVID-19,SARS-CoV-2)的爆发。它是使用🔥FastAPI框架以python编写的。支持多种来源!
#计算机科学#[unmaintained] An open-source convolutional neural networks platform for research in medical image analysis and image-guided therapy
#安卓#Contains many tools to control android system via shizuku.
⚡️🐍📦 Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages
#Awesome#🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly.