MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP package.
#人脸识别#MobileNetV2-YoloV3-Nano: 0.5BFlops 3MB HUAWEI P40: 6ms/img, YoloFace-500k:0.1Bflops 420KB🔥🔥🔥
翻译 - MobileNetV2-YoloV3-Nano:0.5BFlops 3MB HUAWEI P40:6ms / img,YoloFace-500k:0.1Bflops500KB:fire :: fire :: fire:
#人脸识别#Replication of simple CV Projects including attention, classification, detection, keypoint detection, etc.
#计算机科学#To speedup and simplify image labeling/ annotation process with multiple supported formats.
翻译 - 为了加快和简化具有多种受支持格式的图像标记/注释过程。
#人脸识别#Face Renderer to perform Domain (Face) Specific Data Augmentation
Visualizations of algorithms covered in Sebastian Thrun's excellent Artificial Intelligence for Robotics course on Udacity.
These are a set of tools using OpenCV, Tensorflow and Keras, with which you can generate your own model of facial landmark detection and demonstrate the effect of newly-generated model easily.
👊 Keypoint/Landmark Annotation Software 关键点标注软件
#IOS# A 68-point Facial landmark at 28-30 FPS on iPhone 6S+. HyperLandmark is get from
Face/Beauty Rating with both the traditional ML approaches and Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Intensity normalization of multi-channel MRI images using the method proposed by Nyul et al. 2000
Tool to convert all labelme keypoints file to one single coco keypoints file
Code for paper "Object landmark discovery through unsupervised adaptation"
Shipment Tracking Module for MagicMirror²
Facial landmarks training by tensorflow. Use for face alignment and so on.