#计算机科学#Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree projects.
翻译 - Udacity无人驾驶汽车工程师纳米学位项目。
A Sensor Fusion Algorithm that can predict a State Estimate and Update if it is uncertain
Visualizations of algorithms covered in Sebastian Thrun's excellent Artificial Intelligence for Robotics course on Udacity.
#前端开发#➿ 💡 My Udacity projects that I have made to improve my skills and complete my nanodegree. Please don't use it to copy the projects. Submit the PR if you want something to be added to this re...
MPC in vehicle to track reference trajectory
My solution for udacity path planning project. This makes the car drive > 20 miles without collision without constraint violation
Use segmentation networks to recognize lane lines and vehicles. Infer position and curvature of lane lines relative to self.
#计算机科学#Udacity Self Driving Car ND projects - including lane detection, Traffic sign classifier, behaviour cloning
Entire Self-Driving Car Software Stack Tested on Real Vehicle
ROS-based code to control a real self-driving car. Final project for "Wolf Pack" team in Udacity's Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree.
#计算机科学# Intro to Self-Driving Cars program, where I apply my Python and C++ skills with matrices, calculus, computer vision and machine learning to solve self-driving car problems. Key projects included impl...
Sensor Fusion and Localization related projects of Udacity's Self-driving Car Nanodegree Program:
#计算机科学#Computer Vision and Machine Learning related projects of Udacity's Self-driving Car Nanodegree Program
Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree - Model Predictive Control (MPC) Project
Project: Advanced Lane Finding || Udacity: Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
Self Driving Car Project 6 - Sensor Fusion(Extended Kalman Filter)
A Particle Filter algorithm which could be used to localize an autonomous system such as a UAV or a self-driving car.
Algorithm that steers a vehicle by using just the front-facing camera as an input feed (Advance lane detection)
Udacity Self Driving Car Nanodegree - Advance Lane Line Finder on a Video Stream
Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree - Path Planning Project