Advanced lane detection using computer vision
detect curved lane lines using HSV filtering and sliding window search.
#计算机科学#Lane detection and classification in an end-to-end Deep Learning fashion
Project: Advanced Lane Finding || Udacity: Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer.
翻译 - Udacity无人驾驶汽车工程师。
This project is to detect lanes in a video or image and project the results on the output. advanced math and image processing including openCV was used to finish the project.
Lane Marking Quality Assessment for Autonomous Driving
Distinguish lanes for self-driving cars- using color selection, region masking & edge detection
My Submission for Udacity Self Driving Car Nano Degree Advanced Lane Lines Project
Detected highway lane boundaries on a video stream with OpenCV image analysis techniques, including camera calibration matrix, distortion correction, color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thr...
Advanced computer vision techniques to identify lanes, the position of the vehicle within the lane, the radius of curvature of the lane.
This project is to write a software pipeline that identify lane boundaries in a video.
An OpenCV implementation of road lane detection written in Python.
This project utilizes a software pipeline to identify the lane boundaries in a video.
C++ Lane Detection using OpenCV
Self-Driving Nano Degree Program : Advanced Lane Detection
Finding Lane Lines on the Road (project 1 of 9 from Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree)
Advanced lane line fining including camera calibration
Lane Detection for Self-Driving Cars