Predict chessboard FEN layouts from images using TensorFlow
The React Chessboard Library used at Inspired and adapted from the unmaintained Chessboard.jsx.
Simple chess AI in JavaScript. Uses the chess.js and chessboard.js libraries.
翻译 - Java中的简单国际象棋AI。使用Chess.js和Chessboard.js库。
chess library for legal move generation, FEN/PGN parsing and more
#前端开发#A JavaScript chessboard without dependencies. Rendered in SVG, coded in ES6. Views FEN, handles move input, animated, responsive, expandable
Chessboard vue component to load positions, create positions and see threats
A cross-platform chess interface program that supports uci and ucci protocol engines / 支持uci和ucci协议引擎的跨平台象棋界面程序
Chess representation written in Erlang using Bitboards, ready for use on game servers
#计算机科学#Uses neural networks to extract chess positions from images
C# chess library containing a complete data structure and move generation.
#IOS#An iOS / Mac view controller for chess boards
#计算机科学#Predict live chess games into FEN notation.
Vue 3 chessboard component, built with lichess chessground and chess.js
A simple Python API for single camera calibration using opencv
A C# Chess Engine Finding Good Moves.