t-Digest data structure in Python. Useful for percentiles and quantiles, including distributed enviroments like PySpark
📈 Estimate effects, contrasts and means based on statistical models
Visualizations of algorithms covered in Sebastian Thrun's excellent Artificial Intelligence for Robotics course on Udacity.
#前端开发#Simple and powerful progress time estimation (ETA) for JavaScript
#前端开发#Simple and powerful progress time estimation (ETA) for JavaScript
A simple command line (bash/shell) utility to estimate tasks using PERT [Program Evaluation and Review Technique]
Fast and simple Planning Poker Android app. Designed for phones, tablets and Android Wear devices.
utility to estimate the reading time
Generate a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) report from a markdown file. A tool that improves software development estimates.
Genome size estimation from long read overlaps
Utility for estimating the power of the GPU in the browser using WebGL debug parameters.
#IOS#iOS application that uses camera to detect heart rate.
#计算机科学#Predicting health insurance cost from Morality data using Machine Learning techniques
Converts numbers into a more human-friendly format. E.g. 123456 becomes 123k. Similar to `ls -lh` or Stack Overflow's reputation numbers.
experiments on classifying actions using poses
Kalman is a cross-platform library implementing an Extended Kalman Filter in C++