Tracy 是一款实时、纳秒级分辨率的混合帧和采样剖析器,可用于远程或嵌入式遥测游戏和其他应用程序
🚀 fgprof is a sampling Go profiler that allows you to analyze On-CPU as well as Off-CPU (e.g. I/O) time together.
翻译 - 🚀fgprof是Go采样器采样器,可让您一起分析CPU上和CPU外(例如I / O)时间。
Simple, Fast, Portable Profiling
DEPRECATED StackImpact Go Profiler - Production-Grade Performance Profiler: CPU, memory allocations, blocking calls, errors, metrics, and more
Profile what you care, monitor how it goes (support C/C++)
Tracy profiler bindings/wrapper for the Odin programming language
DEPRECATED StackImpact Node.js Profiler - Production-Grade Performance Profiler: CPU, memory allocations, async calls, errors, metrics, and more
#安卓#LPGPU2 CodeXL power performance analysis and feedback tool for GPUs
A simple wrapper over Go runtime/pprof for running multiple concurrent profiles and dumping results to files.
C++ library for monitoring CPU, Memory and execution time targeting Linux embedded devices
Laravel XHProf - Library for profiling in production.
JavaScript profiling tool, library and benchmark collection.
⌚ Measure how long it takes for a program to execute in different clocks
A Memory Profiler for Pharo
DEPRECATED StackImpact Java Profiler - Production-Grade Performance Profiler: CPU, locks, runtime metrics, and more
Simple but powerful profiling mechanism to find bottlenecks in your code (Node.js).
Easily profile your Arduino functions to see how much time they take. The output can be disabled and enabled at runtime. Very lightweight. Optional output pin debugging and custom text output supporte...