#计算机科学#🐝 A fast, easy and collaborative open source image annotation tool for teams and individuals.
翻译 - 🐝自定义对象检测和分类培训
#计算机科学#To speedup and simplify image labeling/ annotation process with multiple supported formats.
翻译 - 为了加快和简化具有多种受支持格式的图像标记/注释过程。
RectLabel is an offline image annotation tool for object detection and segmentation.
#计算机科学#An open source online platform for collaborative image labeling
👊 Keypoint/Landmark Annotation Software 关键点标注软件
automatic tagging data, the training data prepare for mask-rcnn
One-click image sorting/labelling script
Over 250 part numbers, premade PDF's & Gimp Files 74/4000 Logic/PIC/AVR/68k/6502/z80 and more.
#计算机科学#Computer vision Object Detection Program to detect and count specific objects (shipping containers) from images and/or videos
Open source annotation and labeling tool for image and video assets
Swipe Labeler is a Graphical User Interface based tool that allows rapid labeling of image data.
The repository contains labelled images of guns taken from various sources.
A Fiji/ImageJ plugin to generate ROIs from label images, allowing ROI erosion and quantification
Use this tool to label forms, bounding boxes, and assigning types to annotations
#计算机科学#Multilabel image classification with softmax by python and tensorflow
#安卓#Machine learning implement on android application 🐳
#人脸识别#PhotoML is an Android App to demonstrate Firebase Vision ML-Kit Tasks like Label detection, Optical Character Recognition, Face detection and Barcode scanning
Makes image or CAPTCHA labeling work faster.