Shiny Dashboarding framework
翻译 - 闪亮的仪表板框架
Extração de dados da API do CartolaFC, análise exploratória dos dados e modelos preditivos em R e Python - 2014-22. [EN] Data munging, analysis and modeling of CartolaFC - the most popular fantasy foo...
翻译 - 从CartolaFC API提取数据,R和Python中的探索性数据分析和预测模型-2014-20。 [EN] CartolaFC的数据处理,分析和建模-巴西乃至全球最受欢迎的幻想足球游戏。数据涵盖2014-19年。
A visualization of the connections between Tory politicians and companies being awarded government contracts during the pandemic.
翻译 - 大流行期间保守党政客与公司之间的联系的可视化。
A fully Dockerized, self-hosted development environment for teams. Develop where you serve.
翻译 - 面向团队的完全Dockerized,自托管开发环境。开发您服务的地方。