This is a fun application of image processing which enables you to experience the magic of an invisibility cloak. Let's make our childhood fantasy of using an invisibility cloak come true.
Software for an ESP8266 based word clock with support of different layouts and languages
an operating system for the Raspberry Pi Pico
This project is for a Twitter bot that monitors a bird feeder in my backyard. Any detected birds are identified and posted to Twitter.
A hobby Operating System developed from scratch using C/C++ and assembly
翻译 - 使用C / C ++和汇编从零开始开发的业余操作系统
Over 250 part numbers, premade PDF's & Gimp Files 74/4000 Logic/PIC/AVR/68k/6502/z80 and more.
A Telegram bot written in Python which provides various Cryptocurrency Trading features, and Technical Analysis using Binance API.
#计算机科学#Optimized half precision gemm assembly kernels (deprecated due to ROCm)
A sweet hobby made operating system written in C++ for x86 CPUs with GUI
My hobby operating system microkernel written in Rust
This Repo allows you to take live image from raspberry and control your motors.(In short, it allows you to build and control hobby vehicles.)
Effectful OCaml with Objects and Variants
A hobbyist operating system created from scratch ⚙️. This is where I test my ✨ craziest ✨ operating system design ideas.
An online notepad based on Django and using QuillJS on the frontend.
#IOS#🏀 A 2D basketball free throw game which is built using SpriteKit and SwiftUI