C# pure functional programming framework - come and get declarative!
翻译 - C#功能语言扩展-用于功能编程的基类库
#编辑器#Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler
A type-level library enabling the creation and the manipulation of type constructors which can be detached from their type parameters. Also referred to as higher kinded types.
Functional Programming library for Java
Boilerplate-free, zero-overhead Tagless Final / typed-final / Finally Tagless DSLs in Scala
Functional programming for deno and javascript. Monads, semigroups, optics, parsers, state management, yadda yadda yadda.
#编辑器#Some examples for Λrrow Meta the functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler & IDE.
A functional programming language with lisp syntax and ML semantics that runs on the BEAM
A proc macro for real async traits, using nightly-only existential types and generic associated types to work around the need for type erasure
Higher abstraction infrastructures in F#(ad-hoc polymorphism, subtypeclassing, monad, hkt...), exactly what we've dreamed about for so long
Experiments with higher-kinded types and object algebras in C#
Over-Complicated Database Query using higher-kinded data
🍃 A micro HKT (higher-kinded type) implementation for TypeScript, with type safety elegantly guaranteed.
Effectful OCaml with Objects and Variants
Extract or modify pieces of arbitrarily nested types with type lenses
Zero-dependency, purely functional library for effectful programming in Typescript
Experimental HKT framework and generic traits for the standard library