TrinityCore 是一个 MMORPG 框架 (大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)
AzerothCore (AC) 是魔兽世界的开源游戏服务器,目前支持 3.3.5a 游戏版本
A MMOG engine of server.
翻译 - 服务器的MMOG引擎。
A fast, scalable, distributed game server engine/framework for C++, include the actor library, network library, can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/L...
翻译 - C ++的快速,可扩展的分布式游戏服务器引擎/框架,包括actor库,网络库,可以用作实时多人游戏引擎(MMO RPG / MOBA),支持C#/ Lua脚本/ Unity3d,Cocos2dx和计划支持虚幻引擎。
#学习与技能提升#rAthena is an open-source cross-platform MMORPG server.
翻译 - rAthena是一个开源的跨平台MMORPG服务器。
#编辑器#一个基于Entity-Component模式的灵活、通用、可扩展的轻量战斗(技能)框架,配置可选使用ScriptableObject或是Excel表格. A flexible, generic, easy to extend, lightweight combat (skills) framework based on Entity-Component pattern. Configuration...
A free and open-source MMORPG server emulator written in C++
翻译 - 用C ++编写的免费和开源MMORPG服务器模拟器
⚔️ An online JavaScript 2D Medieval RPG.
游戏服务器框架,网络层分别用SocketAPI、Boost Asio、Libuv三种方式实现, 框架内使用共享内存,无锁队列,对象池,内存池来提高服务器性能。还包含一个不断完善的Unity 3D客户端,客户端含大量完整资源,坐骑,宠物,伙伴,装备, 这些均己实现上阵和穿戴, 并可进入副本战斗,多人玩法也己实现, 持续开发中。
Framework to create an RPG or MMORPG (with the same code) in the browser with Typescript
A free/open source client and automation tool for Ragnarok Online
Certain anime game Repacked Resource from Multiple Sources
Hercules is a collaborative software development project revolving around the creation of a robust massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) server package. Written in C, the program is ...
This project aims to create an easy to use, extendable and customizable server for a MMORPG called "MU Online".
翻译 - 该项目旨在为MMORPG创建一个易于使用,可扩展和可定制的服务器,称为“ MU Online”。
An Ultima Online server emulator written in C# .NET
Stendhal is a fun friendly and free multiplayer online adventure game with an old school feel.
An emulator for the defunct MMORPG WildStar which supports build 16042 (Final Patch)
翻译 - 已失效的MMORPG WildStar的仿真器,它支持内部版本16042(最终补丁)