AzerothCore (AC) 是魔兽世界的开源游戏服务器,目前支持 3.3.5a 游戏版本
Biomes is an open source sandbox MMORPG built for the web using web technologies such as Next.js, Typescript, React and WebAssembly.
Reldens - You can make it - Open Source MMORPG Platform
An infinity procedural online game using Flutter with NodeJS and flames
Distributed Java game server, including login, gateway, game demo
Albion online stats is an extension to MMORPG game - Albion Online. It tracks network traffic and displays various statistics, such as damage and DPS meter calculated from in-game actions.
A server emulator for Lineage2 Interlude written in C#
A modern Ultima Online server written in PHP
A free, open source 2D online RPG engine in C#/.NET
Scalable MMO servers instantiation, dungeon instantiation and player balancing subsystem for unreal engine
Python-based MMO game framework using sockets and PyGame.
Open Source Php/NodeJs Online RPG and Trading Game Engine
Nephtys Open Source MMORPG Written in C++17
Legacy VB6 open-source ORPG
A long term progressive resource management text based MMORPG being developed in Godot.
Golang Distributed MMO Game Server