#面试#Dive into this repository, a comprehensive resource covering Data Structures, Algorithms, 450 DSA by Love Babbar, Striver DSA sheet, Apna College DSA Sheet, and FAANG Questions! 🚀 That's not all! We'...
翻译 - 该存储库包含所有 DSA(数据结构、算法、Love Babbar Bhaiya 的 450 DSA、FAANG 问题)、技术主题(OS + DBMS + SQL + CN + OOP)理论+问题、FAANG 面试问题和杂项(编程) MCQ、拼图、能力、推理)。用于演示的编程语言是 C++、Python 和 Java。
An easy and fast way to create a Python GUI 🐍
翻译 - 通过拖放创建漂亮的 Tkinter GUI。
#效率工具集合#😎🏖️🐬 Your new, 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙠𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙮 smart clipboard manager
#安卓#An all-in-one hacking tool to remotely exploit Android devices using ADB and Metasploit-Framework to get a Meterpreter session.
Browser extension to add git graph to GitHub website.
Microdiff 是一个轻量级、快速、零依赖的JavaScript对象和数组比较库
#安卓#AndroidIDE is an IDE for Android to develop full featured Android apps.
A modern web UI for various torrent clients with a Node.js backend and React frontend.
#前端开发#⚡ File sharing progressive web app built using WebTorrent and WebSockets
翻译 - ⚡使用WebRTC和WebSockets构建的文件共享渐进式Web应用程序
A GUI to quickly manage your WSL2 instances
A library for users to write (experiment in research) configurations in Python Dict or JSON format, read and write parameter value via dot . in code, while can read parameters from the command line to...
A robust, all-in-one GPT interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!
Scripts that will make you go WOW!
翻译 - 脚本,将使您WOW😍💻
This repositories contains a list of python scripts projects from beginner level advancing slowly. More code snippets to be added soon. feel free to clone this repo
翻译 - 此存储库包含从初学者级别缓慢推进的 Python 脚本项目列表。更多代码片段即将添加。随意克隆这个 repo
Automatically commit changes made in your workflow run directly to your repo
A website for developers to improve their skills by doing front-end and back-end challenges
Experimental IDE for building Android applicatons on Android.
翻译 - 基于 javac API 的实验性代码编辑器。
#前端开发#A book that teaches JavaScript 📗💻📖
#安卓#Chat app for Android that supports answers from multiple LLMs at once. Bring your own API key AI client. Supports OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, and Ollama. Designed with Material3 & Compose.
This open source repository contains collection of games build on basic tech stacks in web development . Use your creativity and build your own game and contribute to the repository by making PR 🎮