#面试# 🔥 Crack you JS interviews ⚡ Collection of most common JS Interview questions with Unit Tests 🚀
This repositories contains a list of python scripts projects from beginner level advancing slowly. More code snippets to be added soon. feel free to clone this repo
翻译 - 此存储库包含从初学者级别缓慢推进的 Python 脚本项目列表。更多代码片段即将添加。随意克隆这个 repo
#Awesome#Explore a collection of beginner-friendly Python projects that can be completed with minimal code. Perfect for learning the basics and improving your coding skills.
Here you will find different web development mini projects which are made up of HTML, CSS & little bit of JavaScript. Do you have any such small project which is not already in the List!? 😄
🖐️ A repository to learn about open source code contributions flow
翻译 - 🖐️ 一个了解开源代码贡献流程的存储库
A simple minimalist one page portfolio. Link:
#自然语言处理#A comprehensive list of Python projects
#前端开发#Build a Stunning portfolio with React JS and framer-motion. This portfolio is created using framer-motion for cool transitions and animation. If you want to learn how to create this portfolio then you...
Build a cool NFT Collection website landing page with React JS . This website is created using Gsap for cool scrolling and animation. If you want to learn how to create this website then you can follo...
#算法刷题#Basic Python CLI programs
#学习与技能提升#Are you a beginner eager to enhance your React JS skills? Look no further! This repository is the perfect platform for you to dive into the world of React development and contribute to open source dur...
A curated collection of some 😍 cool Python scripts.
example of shopping cart implemented in react.js and redux.js
Do push code on which you are working or if you have solved any problem in any language add the solution to this repository and help to contribute and star this repository!!Refer CONTRIBUTING.md for c...
翻译 - 推送您正在处理的代码,或者如果您已经用任何语言解决了任何问题,请将解决方案添加到此存储库中,并帮助为此存储库做出贡献并为其加星!!参考 CONTRIBUTING.md 进行贡献!
This repository helps those people who started to learning web development. And struggle for design templates.