Tutorial de como usar o Git e Github na prática
Repositório do curso Versionamento de Código com Git e GitHub da Digital Innovation One.
git command reference manual; Git常用命令参考手册,涵盖了在开发中用到的git命令
🖐️ A repository to learn about open source code contributions flow
翻译 - 🖐️ 一个了解开源代码贡献流程的存储库
Tutorial de Git, GitHub y GitFlow para el desarrollo de código avanzado, manejo de versiones, ramas y trabajo en equipo usando este repositorio de código, para DAM, DAW y ASIR
Comprehensive Git Guide: A complete resource covering Git fundamentals, workflows, advanced techniques, and best practices for version control and collaboration.
💩 ⁉️ Find solutions to all your git problems along with tips & tricks to improve your git workflows!
This repository is meant to help you learn Git.
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Git and GitHub Crash Course 2023 - اقوى دورة تعلم جيت و جيت هاب
Informal introduction to Python 3 for scientific computing. Course for students and scientists new to Python, but familiar with scientific computing. Also some Racket.
Here we learn Git SC and this repository is for communication with students of Git full course
Hands-on Tutorial: Introduction to Git and GitHub