Repositório do curso Versionamento de Código com Git e GitHub da Digital Innovation One.
SnowFS - a fast, scalable version control file storage for graphic files 🎨
翻译 - 👋[寻找维护者] SnowFS-图形文件的快速,可扩展版本控制文件存储:art:
Web development platform built entirely in PostgreSQL
翻译 - 完全在PostgreSQL中构建的Web开发平台
Importable package that parses version info from debug.ReadBuildInfo().
A Laravel package to manage versions of endpoints in an elegant way
A Distributed Version Control System with a Friendly UI
🖧 Quads in Git - Distributed Version Control for RDF Knowledge Bases
Squeak Object Tracker - Version control for arbitrary objects, currently with Git storage
Comprehensive Git Guide: A complete resource covering Git fundamentals, workflows, advanced techniques, and best practices for version control and collaboration.
Programatically bump versions in any project and define your versioning scheme as well as rules to control your versioning pipeline
a simple version control system written in C++
🏷 Update your files version field on new releases
GitLearn will guide you in a proper way from beginner level to gain basic knowledge on Git environment.
A Maven Plugin to update local POM version in compliance with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0