⚡ Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
Jenkins Pipeline As Yaml Plugin
Example of a multi-pipeline monorepo with Azure Pipelines
Project template for developing shared Jenkins pipeline libraries.
A Maven Plugin to update local POM version in compliance with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
CLI to manage GoCD installations using docker and pipeline-as-code
Jenkins pipeline library with common functionalities for CI/CD environments, mainly targeted for the implementation of the SQA baseline requirements from https://indigo-dc.github.io/sqa-baseline/
It contains snippets, exercises, and solutions for the Udacity Java Web Developer Nanodegree.
Jenkins JobDSL seed job script to manage jobs from a remote git repository with simple JSON files.
A Jenkins shared-library for the reference EDP pipelines
'Fortosi' Kubernetes extension is meant to address a fundamental requirement of any project team running their applications on Kubernetes - which is to quickly provision CI/CD pipelines (on demand) fo...
Collection of workflows for execution of tools in a Jenkins YAML pipeline.
This is a pipeline library for Jenkins 2.x that allows execution to be defined in YML rather than in a Jenkinsfile.
#计算机科学#This repository provides commonly used modules from feature engineering to model training for machine learning tasks and kaggle competition.
AWS CloudFormation template for CI/CD pipeline on AWS for Python
A ready-to-use CI/CD Pipeline for managing your infrastructure with Pulumi
Jenkins Code - Configuration and Jobs as Code
Docker in docker jenkins implementation with pipeline as code
drone-ci enhanced, pipeline as code complete solution for drone, support jsonnet, starlark, cron as your want