💩 ⁉️ Find solutions to all your git problems along with tips & tricks to improve your git workflows!
A Curated List Of Costly Ethereum Mistakes To Learn From (WIP)
what you should avoid and learn from in kotlin
This is a telegram bot for correcting language mistakes in group chats
Rituales de SCRUM🧙. Los anti-patrones o errors más comunes🙅 y consejos de como evitarlos👨🏫
List of Gotchas / Pitfalls along with alternatives to address them
Code for the book PostgreSQL Mistakes and How to Avoid Them https://www.manning.com/books/postgresql-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them
SCRUM rituals🧙. The most common anti-patterns🙅 and tips to solve them 👨🏫
A curated collection of embarrassingly bad and face palm inducing reasoning
A small terminal program that allows you to translate text through multiple different languages then back to the original. This project is only for a little bit of fun and is to enjoy the somewhat bea...
GUI tool for automatic analysis of chess games with an external UCI engine
Cause you keep repeating mistakes, You dumbass, soooo....... say sorry ?