Boot large Ruby/Rails apps faster
翻译 - 更快地启动大型 Ruby/Rails 应用程序
kubeaudit helps you audit your Kubernetes clusters against common security controls
Jeff Geerling's SBC review data - Raspberry Pi, Radxa, Orange Pi, etc.
A stand-alone, BASIC-programmable microcontroller and microcomputer in one! The fastest, cheapest, most hackable 8-bit computer ever.
* READ THE README FOR INFO!! * Incoming Tags- z score statistics,find mean median mode statistics in ms excel,variance,standard deviation,linear regression,data processing,confidence intervals,averag...
Live code-along document to support my video series about Learning to Program Computers From The Ground Up With Minimal BS.
CERBERUS 2080™, the amazing multi-processor 8-bit microcomputer, featuring Z80, 65C02 and AVR processors.
#学习与技能提升#All of my personal notes on topics including Hacking, Coding, Math, Data-Structures, and more! Open to all for use!
The amazing multi-processor 8-bit microcomputer, featuring Z80, 6502 and AVR processors. Built with CPLDs, CERBERUS 2100™ is fully programmable even with respect to its hardware, at the individual gat...
Making my local storage of useful AD Scripts available to everyone.
A stand-alone, BASIC-programmable microcontroller and microcomputer in one! The fastest, cheapest, most hackable 8-bit computer ever.
Management with PowerShell scripts: Active Directory, Azure AD, Office 365, Exchange Online.
Retrieves basic computer information from specified computers (a Windows PowerShell script).
Open web computer laboratory administrator
#博客#The source for my LaTeX notes
A website devoted to exposing facts and information about computing in the blind/vi world
Soundcard Designs for Pocket Computers (ポケコン) (Sharp, Casio, TRS80-M100,...)