Fast and exact implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for number types: 4x to 10x faster than strtod, part of GCC 12, Chromium, Redis and WebKit/Safari
翻译 - 快速,准确地实现了float和double类型的C ++ from_chars函数:比strtod快4倍
WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser written in modern C++, part of Node.js, Clickhouse, Redpanda, Kong, Telegram and Cloudflare Workers.
Expressive Vector Engine - SIMD in C++ Goes Brrrr
#时序数据库#Fastest Integer Compression
fccf: A command-line tool that quickly searches through C/C++ source code in a directory based on a search string and prints relevant code snippets that match the query.
Agenium Scale vectorization library for CPUs and GPUs
Low level generic SIMD wrapper for x86, ARM, WASM with dynamic dispatch
A simple demo shows how to use the SIMD,Single Instruction Multiple Data, to optimize and accelerate the FFT algorithm.
x64 Assembly Demo Framework