{fmt} 是一个快速安全的格式化库,是C stdio 与 C++ iostreams 的替代品
HarfBuzz 是一个文字塑形引擎
Twitter Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform.
The home of the ICU project source code.
翻译 - ICU项目源代码的新目录。
🔍 ugrep 7.3 file pattern searcher -- a more powerful, ultra fast, user-friendly, compatible grep replacement. Includes a TUI, Google-like Boolean search with AND/OR/NOT, fuzzy search, hexdumps, searc...
翻译 - with具有交互查询UI的全新超快速grep:搜索文件系统,源代码,文本,二进制文件,存档(cpio / tar / pax / zip),压缩文件(gz / Z / bz2 / lzma / xz / lz4),文档,模糊搜索等。 GNU / BSD grep的快速,用户友好的替代品。
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
翻译 - Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
#编辑器#良心的 Python 教程,面向零基础初学者简明易懂的 Python3 入门基础课程。在linux+vim生产力环境下,从浅入深,从简单程序学到网络爬虫。可以配合蓝桥云上实验环境操作。
A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way
翻译 - 为字符串提供面向对象的API,并以统一的方式处理字节,UTF-8代码点和字形簇。
Shorten URLs using invisible spaces
翻译 - 使用不可见的空格缩短URL。
Interactive ASCII art diagram generators. 🌟
Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17.
Solving i18n for client-side and resource-constrained environments.
#Awesome#✏︎ Curated list about digital typography 🔥