{fmt} 是一个快速安全的格式化库,是C stdio 与 C++ iostreams 的替代品
This crate provides custom de/serialization helpers to use in combination with serde's `with`-annotation and with the improved `serde_as`-annotation.
Chrono is a scheduler library that lets you run your task and code periodically
#自然语言处理#A natural language date parser in Swift (ported from chrono.js)
A dual-GPU DEM solver with complex grain geometry support
Rostok is an open source library which provides the framework for generative co-design of mechatronic and robotic systems.
A natural language date/time parser with pluggable rules
A modern Pawn library for working with dates and times.
Utility class to simplify use of timers created by setTimeout
parse date_times with {fmt} style into std::chrono::time_point {WIP}