{fmt} 是一个快速安全的格式化库,是C stdio 与 C++ iostreams 的替代品
Nanolog 是一款性能极佳的纳秒级 C++ 日志框架,提供一个简单的类似 printf 的 API,每秒可处理超过 8000 万条日志,平均延迟仅为 7 纳秒
Tiny, fast, non-dependent and fully loaded printf implementation for embedded systems. Extensive test suite passing.
翻译 - 嵌入式系统的微型,快速,非依赖性和完全加载printf实现。广泛的测试套件通过。
Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods
翻译 - 支持Printf / Sprintf方法的Golang最终ANSI颜色
The smallest public printf implementation for its feature set.
#安全#🟢 super fast 🚀 and tiny 🐥 embedded device 𝘾 printf-like trace ✍ code, works also inside ⚡ interrupts ⚡ and real-time PC 💻 logging (trace ID visualization 👀)
Brainfuck interpreter inside printf
Lightweight printf library optimized for embedded systems
Tester for the ft_printf project of 42 school
2nd 42 School Exam
#算法刷题#CUDA kernel author's tools
Add printf support to the Arduino SDK
Very simple script(s) to hasten binary exploit creation
Fast and flexible data logging/tracing toolkit for software testing and debugging. Minimally intrusive C/C++ code instrumentation, host-based decoding application, demo code included.
42cursus' ft_printf project. Begin date 06/sep/2021. Finish date 13/sep/2021. About 30h of total work.
Prints values and types during compilation!