Brainfuck interpreter inside printf
Collection of BF interpreters/translators in C/C++/ASM/JS/Python/Rust + others
A high level programming language that compiles into the brainfuck esoteric programming language
An esoteric programming language compiler on top of LLVM based on Brainfuck
A C-like language to Brainfuck compiler, written in Python
The only true brainfuck-targetting assembler.
#编辑器#A Brainfuck IDE/debugger designed to be intuitive, featureful and visually appealing
Brainfuck interpreter in a single line of Python
翻译 - 一行Python中的Brainfuck解释器
#编辑器#An Online Whitesspace compiler, virtual machine and IDE
A complete and full-featured Brainf_ck IDE/console for Windows 10 (UWP), with a high-performance REPL interpreter
#编辑器#🧠 Brainfuck IDE and interpreter in 512 bytes. (boot sector)
#编辑器#Brainfuck IDE using python, bundled with it's own compiler
Brainfuck interpreter companion to the brain programming language
#编辑器#Brainfuck Interpreter in Java/Groovy, with a Groovy DSL
Brainfuck compiler based on LLVM API
a tiny, wasm-ready virtual machine - stupidly fast
Nico-lang is the programing language of Nico Yazawa
A Visualizer for BrainFuck developed using pure JS.
Programming Language Inspired by Brainfuck