🍦 Never use print() to debug again.
翻译 - 🍦甜味和奶油状的打印调试。
「数据可视化工具:报表、大屏、仪表盘」积木报表是一款类Excel操作风格,在线拖拽设计的报表工具和和数据可视化产品。功能涵盖: 报表设计、大屏设计、打印设计、图形报表、仪表盘门户设计等,完全免费!秉承“简单、易用、专业”的产品理念,极大的降低报表开发难度、缩短开发周期、解决各类报表难题。
#UI框架#Modern framework to print the web correctly.
翻译 - 现代框架可以正确打印网络。
#前端开发#Build and generate PDF using React 📄 UI kit for PDFs and print documents. Simple, reusable components and templates to create great invoices, docs, brochures. Use your favorite front-end framework Re...
Minimal and formal résumé (CV) website template for print, mobile, and desktop.
翻译 - 用于印刷,移动和桌面的最小和正式简历(CV)网站模板。 https://bit.ly/2kEzgt8
a "Proof of Concept or GTFO" mirror with an extensive index with also whole issues or individual articles as clean PDFs.
翻译 - 具有额外文章索引,直接链接和干净PDF的“ PoC或GTFO”镜像。
hiprint for Vue2/Vue3 ⚡打印、打印设计、可视化设计器、报表设计、元素编辑、可视化打印编辑
jQuery printing plugin; print specific elements on a page
Open Source Virtual (Network) Printer for Windows that allows you to create PDFs, OCR text, and print images, with advanced features usually available only in enterprise solutions.
Adds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by logging or pretty printing colorful variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing ever...
🍦 Never use cout/printf to debug again
Public PowerShell script gallery for ScriptRunner.
A library that can print Python objects in human readable format
A collection of Windows print spooler exploits containerized with other utilities for practical exploitation.
翻译 - 一组 Windows 打印后台处理程序漏洞利用与其他实用程序容器化,用于实际利用。
#UI框架#Universal CSS for web printing
翻译 - 网页打印通用CSS
Debugging in NeoVim the print() way!