Build a table of contents from a media file or split a media file into chapters
Using pretrained T5 model for abstractive summarization of books
#安卓#A TimeBar in YouTube-style providing Chapters, Image-Preview and Segments.
Spotify Agile model mapping microservice
This project is dedicated to reviving Chapter Master and building upon it.
Command line to split a mp3 audio book according to its chapters
Auto generate MKV chapters using FFmpeg BlackDetect filter
#算法刷题#This is a repository which contains all the code for the Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm, associated with Chapter 6, Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Science.
Results website for the newly recruited Core Members from the recruitments of December 2020 for all domains.
记录学习netty 各种操作,hello-world、websocket、http、自定义协议、代理、心跳、与Spring整合、定制与SpringMvc-dispatcher、其他中间件整合 等等
Website for The Institution of Engineers, NITK Chapter