Collection of smart contracts examples and projects in Solidity.
General program examples that I use for tutorials in 'GenuineCoder' YouTube channel
University of Helsinki’s free massive open online course (MOOC) completed exercises. 2020 solutions
Educational material and examples for those interested in learning the C programming language
🔎 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Pattern code!
🏋 Offical repo for the open excercise API - Home of the worlds weightlifting excercises
Source code, exercises from the book "Mastering Concurrency in Go" by Nathan Kozyra
#学习与技能提升#JavaScript Piscine repository for grit:lab school on Åland (01-edu)
#学习与技能提升#A collection of programs from the app "Idea Bag 2"("Programming Ideas 2") written in Python
Project Based Learning for Apache Spark
Exercises and a little extra from the Phoenix LiveView course by The Pragmatic Studio
Основы геоинформатики: практикум в ArcGIS
#学习与技能提升#Example solutions exercises from lessons in course PHPDevs
#计算机科学#Introduction to Facial Micro Expressions Analysis Using Color and Depth Images (a Matlab Coding Approach) - Second Edition (2023)
#计算机科学#My code and solutions related to the book Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
Contians javascript excercises that cover a variety of topics. programming basics, advanced JS conepts, OOP, and testing with jest