Infect Any Android Device With Virus From Link In Termux
#计算机科学#A curated list of the latest breakthroughs in AI by release date with a clear video explanation, link to a more in-depth article, and code
翻译 - 按发布日期精选发布了AI最新突破的清单,其中包含清晰的视频说明,链接至更深入的文章和代码
2020 😀😁😀😁😀 秋招笔试面试合集,以及2019届公司真题模拟题集 & 附上自己的后端指南,💻🎓包括(C/C++基础、数据结构、算法、操作系统💻、计算机网络、MySQL、shell(ps:sed、awk、grep))
#自然语言处理#an Open Course Platform for Stanford CS224n (2020 Winter)
翻译 - 斯坦福CS224n的开放课程平台(2020年冬季)
Take a look back at all the contributions you as an individual made to the open-source community
翻译 - 回顾一下您个人对开源社区所做的所有贡献
Java Solution to the TCS Xplore Proctored Assessment 2020
🐙 Share your Github stats for 2020 on Twitter
#自然语言处理#Stanford CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning, Winter 2020
🤪 🤨 🧐 🤓 😎 HACKTOBERFEST 2020 ALERT: Submit Just 4 PRs to earn SWAGS 🤪 🤨 🧐 🤓 😎 Make your first PR! ~ A beginner-friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners.
翻译 - HACKTOBERFEST 2020提醒:只提交4个PR即可赚到SWAGS奖
"Towards Photo-Realistic Virtual Try-On by Adaptively Generating↔Preserving Image Content",CVPR 2020. (Modified from original with fixes for inference)