#编辑器#Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment
翻译 - Spyder的官方存储库-科学的Python开发环境
#计算机科学#Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection.
#自然语言处理#🛠 All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science.
#计算机科学#Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow
Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker supp...
翻译 - Anaconda将您的Sublime Text 3转换为功能齐全的Python开发IDE,包括自动完成,代码整理,IDE功能,autopep8格式,McCabe复杂性检查器Vagrant和Docker对Jelim,PyFlakes,pep8,MyPy,PyLint,pep257和McCabe的Sublime Text 3的支持永远不会冻结您的Sublime Text 3
#计算机科学#Elyra extends JupyterLab with an AI centric approach.
翻译 - Elyra以AI为中心的方法扩展了JupyterLab笔记本。
Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with conda via miniconda
Installations for Data Science. Anaconda, RStudio, Spark, TensorFlow, AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Tool for encapsulating, running, and reproducing data science projects
대학 강의를 위한 강의자료 및 소스코드 저장소 Python Lecture slide & code for University Student.
#计算机科学#PyTorch implementation of a deep metric learning technique called "Magnet Loss" from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) in ICLR 2016.
Clone with Python! Data structures for double stranded DNA & simulation of homologous recombination, Gibson assembly, cut & paste cloning.
Run_dbcan V4, using genomes/metagenomes/proteomes of any assembled organisms (prokaryotes, fungi, plants, animals, viruses) to search for CAZymes.
Introduction to Python: Numerical Analysis for Engineers and Scientist. In 2017, Python became the world's most popular programming language. This course covers the basic syntax, linear algebra, plott...
#计算机科学#Scripts to help you set up your Ubuntu quickly, especially if you're in any subfield of Data Science or AI!