Python training for business analysts and traders
翻译 - 针对业务分析师和交易员的Python培训
#计算机科学#Sequential model-based optimization with a `scipy.optimize` interface
翻译 - 具有`scipy.optimize`接口的基于模型的顺序优化
Run your code in the cloud, with technology so advanced, it feels like magic!
#面试#😜 记录日常的开发技巧,开发中遇到的技术重点、难点,各个知识点的总结,优质面试题等等。持续更新...
#自然语言处理#👩🏫 Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course
翻译 - 带有SpaCy的高级NLP:免费的在线课程
#计算机科学#Elyra extends JupyterLab with an AI centric approach.
翻译 - Elyra以AI为中心的方法扩展了JupyterLab笔记本。
Gallery of OSMnx tutorials, usage examples, and feature demonstations.
A collection of Python packages for geospatial analysis with binder-ready notebook examples
#计算机科学#An Open-Source Library for Training Binarized Neural Networks
Crypter, binder & downloader with native & .NET stub, evasive by design, user friendly UI
This is the companion repo of the O'Reilly book "Python for Excel".
#自然语言处理#The hands-on NLTK tutorial for NLP in Python
👩🏫🐍 Starter repo for building interactive Python courses
翻译 - 🏫🐍用于构建交互式Python课程的入门仓库
User friendly and accurate binder design pipeline
Sinister is Windows/Linux Keylogger Generator which sends key-logs via email with other juicy target info
Tutorial on geospatial data manipulation with Python